Thursday, December 10, 2009

2000s party!

Not me!

Ha, the party wasn't really a party after all, but my costume was epic. (Maybe not, but I was stoked). Joaquin Phoenix is an amazing actor (he was in Gladiator, um, recently Walk the Line) who went crazy (apparently, but the hoax possibility reigns) and then went on Letterman before disappearing out of the public eye.

These are the pictures.

Monday, December 07, 2009

Snowy day!

I blame everything on dehydration. I don't think I'm that wrong either. I feel as though proper hydration is essential to good body function. It's finals week, which means sodium and carbs, the only foods that make a body feel happy. I've been eating to fill the emotional void I've created, and although it's pleasant, it's not necessarily a good thing. So tonight I'm beginning the fruit and tea kick in an attempt to make my body love me again. Wish me luck.

That said, I fell asleep last night at 8 pm, shortly after kickoff, and slept through the game. It was a beautiful nap, and I slept last night but not well. 7am came quickly and I opened my eyes in a cold to apartment to the first snow of the season.

Ugh, of course I couldn't find any of my snow scrapers, even though I know they're there, just hiding. Got my windows done and got to work on time. The little boys of course didn't want to wear boots or coats or hats. So we went outside. Within minutes, the whining began. Luckily for me, I'd brought coats and boots and gloves and hats. And we bundled up and went on our way. They are four and just don't listen. One of them ran across a busy street today, thank god there weren't any cars. Normally they're so good about it, and normally I get so mad at parents who can't keep their kids on the sidewalk, but when I'm trying to cross a six-lane road with three kids, two of whom aren't in a stroller, it gets difficult. So parents, I apologize for screaming at you from inside my car where you can't hear me, or judging you as a bad parent. You're probably trying.

Exhaustion. Sleeping in tomorrow and it will be wondrous!