Saturday, May 28, 2011


Something I'm learning from Carlos.

Act preemptively and base everything on your gut.

Your past guides you more than you think but shouldn't affect anyone's future perceptions of you.

I'm hurt; I'm annoyed; I'm angry.

No one should make me feel like I'm less than a human being, whether it's intentional or not.

I am Katie Barry and I do what I want.

Friday, May 27, 2011


Ah, beautiful weekend ahead.
For once, I'm not entirely bogged down by babysitting plans.
I actually have some unscheduled time ahead of me this weekend, and I'm positively giddy about it.

After a miserable yesterday, I woke this morning feeling entirely refreshed. I was literally up and cleaning my house at 7:30 am.
It's looking a little better.
Mike and I need to be better about keeping up with things like the kitchen. It's gross. I rarely eat at home, and so I push it all off on him. But the pile of dishes keeps growing, and it's really grossing me out.

I am the designated bathroom cleaner. Maybe it's all the babysitting, or the years spent making faces while mopping Dairy Queen, but I am not scared of bathrooms.
Hair from the drain? 99% chance it belongs to me, so I'm not scared. Toilet cleaning? Meh, it's just bleach.
That stuff I can do.
(And I do regularly.)

I even had a load of laundry and some clothes hung up before 9 am.

Carlos was running around chasing his toy mice. I can't tell if I love him most when we are just waking up and he is laying on me and yawning, or if he's sliding on the wood floors chasing something. He's definitely got something very seriously dignified about him, but he's also childish, when he's stretched out lengthwise with a mouse between his paws, having just somersaulted into a wall. (God, I love him. I'll never let anyone take him from me.)

It was all very cute.

We are expecting canine company this evening. I'm terrified. I adore Ely's golden Archie, but I'm also not so sure how I feel about forcing Carlos to have to adapt to a dog.
Given that Carlos is so wonderful at adapting to strange situations, I'm hoping that once they realize it's probably going to keep happening, both animals will relax around each other. Archie is curious about Carlos, and even more curious about his food. (Apparently wet food is like crack for all animals.)

Based on how Carlos reacts when he sees any dog, I'm assuming he was attacked by one or more during his Chicago years. And so I understand his fear of Archie, but I wish it wasn't so bad. While I'm assuming he'll just run and hide, I'm also worried about a confrontation happening. Carlos can be very nasty when provoked. And I'm not sure Archie would be prepared for that.

Alas, we have to get to the Rockies game first. I'm not going home after work; I'll meet Emily at the DU light rail station at we will head down from there.
And then after the game? God only knows how we're going to get my car home.
And get the dog home.

It shall be an adventure. I'm not sure if I should start stressing now, or just wait until it's happening and roll with it.

I'll wait.
In all honesty, trying to balance Emily's needs with Ely's is going to be a hot mess.
This might get interesting.

And Madeline is in town tonight. And she'll be out after. So I'm just going to give the rest of them my keys and go dance. (just kidding. or am I?)

Happy Friday!

Monday, May 23, 2011


The weekend was quiet, but not terribly so.
I babysat, went to Boulder, came back down, had brunch with Emily, did laundry, went for a walk, babysat, helped Jacob clean his house, babysat, went to dinner with Heidi and Val and then saw a movie, and then went back to Jacob's to help him finish.

Saturday night, I brought Carlos with me to Jacob's. He hates cars, he hates being carried, he hates his leash. I don't know why I keep trying, but you absolutley cannot walk a cat. He won't behave. He'll try to escape. You'll pick him up, and for your trouble, he'll claw you.
You'll be bleeding, from your chest and your knees, and you'll have a squirming ball of angry black fur in your arms. And you'll have to throw him into your car and slam the door and then watch him look at you with wide green eyes.

And that's just the beginning.

We slept over, so of course, the litterbox was an issue. I'd brought a shoebox, but he didn't have enough room to turn around and get comfortable, so we were woken up by the sounds of scratching in the litterbox and then a sad sounding meow.
This was repeated.

We leashed him and took him out. He was a street cat, of course he'll know what to do.
Nope. Went under some bushes. And then tried to get under a fence into a construction site.

It appears I have much work to do. I wonder if we could join some doggy training classes at the Dumb Friend's League.
I wonder if they'd judge me for trying to make my cat into a dog.

Alas, we arrived home safely. He was immediately quite happy to be back at home. (I think that every time we go somewhere he thinks that I might leave him or that we're going to the vet, where he'll have to have surgery or some other horrible procedure. I'm hoping that enough nice outings will reinforce the fact that I'm not leaving him, that I do love him, and that he's stuck with me.)

I woke up this morning with him curled up in my arms. He, too, hates the alarm.

He's been eating dog food lately. I wonder if it's bad for his health. Last time Ely brought his golden down, Carlos was relcoated, and we just left the dog food in a container. I went into the kitchen the other day, and there was Carlos, crunching on dog food. Ely's dog tries to eat Carlos's wet food, so maybe pet foods are sort of interchangeable.

However, I'm hoping that soon we can get Carlos to get comfortable with the dog. This may prove to be an interesting situation, and honestly, I worry more about the dog than Carlos. He can hold his own. The dog, hwoever, has a sweet disposition and a curious nature. Carlos will eat him alive.

The answer?
Kitten mittens.

Tonight, I'm going to bribe him with wet food so he's not upset when I go to Boulder.