Thursday, September 16, 2010

Gender Issues in South Africa

Two posts this morning in Cape Town newspapers that deliver a shocking look into the state of gender affairs in this country.
Gender and sexuality-related violence seems to be a global issue.
The sterilisation article seems to highlight an issue that is more localized, although I know that birth control and other related (medical, invasive and otherwise) issues will be a fight between women and government for years to come.
(Woman Sterilized Without Her Permission)
Cape Times
(Killers Escape)

Worth reading both of these articles. They both raise questions about the judicial system's effectiveness at thwarting crimes and then its ability to maintain control over judicial proceedings, including handling and transport of prisoners.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Transgender Love

Above is a link to a New York Times article I found interesting. It's about the relationship between a lesbian-identifying woman and her female to male transsexual partner, from a sexual reassignment surgery (sort of) to the breakup, extending as far as the aftermath of the breakup.

It's interesting to realize that the lifespan of a relationship is similar across much of the spectrum of sexuality; no matter what kind of person is involved in the relationship, it still manifests itself with the same standard characteristics: original attraction, change, monotony, finality, guilt, etc.

I hope you'll enjoy the article as much as I did.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Since I'll be in Cape Town until the beginning of December, you can track my blog there at:

Sorry for the temporary move!