Wednesday, September 09, 2009


I do my best work completely distracted or completely under pressure. At this very moment, I am tending to my crops on my imaginary Facebook farm, updating my status, listening to a new band from Colorado called Pretty Lights, updating my blog, watching a show on the Food Network, emailing Aunt Sally and going between the internet and two different word documents trying to get a script done.
But that was intended to be a real blog.
I went to see about Rome. They aren't accepting applications until the end of October. : (
Rarely do I use the emoticons but this called for one.
Tired. Exhausted really. This semester has been wild already. It's going to be a long haul.
Ugh. More later, I'm guessing.
I wanted to write all about the city tonight, the way it looked and my experience in the American Girl Store (the very first time!)
But that will have to come tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Marilyn Manson!

After a rather tumultuous weekend that included me losing my keys (still haven't found them) and Hunter breaking up with me (first time being broken up with, wasn't that bad), we've decided on a better course of action (obviously we were back together [I hate that word] in about 20 minutes) and have decided that we're going to try and have more fun together.
The problem was this: I am 21. Now legal, the world is an endless source of party fun. He is nearly 23 (the 18th) and has 2 jobs, which limits his ability to have fun. He gets jealous of me getting to go out and also the guys I go out with (started with the Irish) and then we fight. It's reminiscent of the Billy Joel and Katie Lee Joel (I think that was her name) marriage. He was 60-something and she was like 25. Problem.
Anyway, for his birthday, we're going to go up to Milwaukee and see Marilyn Manson perform. Tuesday night will be a hectic one (next week, not this one) because we'll have to leave immediately after I get out of class (fiction writing, the one I still hate) and then drive all the way there, see the show, and then drive all the way back so that Hunter can get to work by like 6am.
So that's the plan.
It should be fun. I'm nervous. I'll probably be the only person there in a cardigan.

Escuela hoy. En la clase de espanol, tengo un examen. Despues de la clase de espanol, tengo la clase de escribe de fiction. En la noche, mi y Simon (mi carro guapo) voy a la Northbrook a retrieve mi telefono de la UPS.

That is probably terrible grammar but I'm going with it. Just to prove to you I did my Spanish homework.

Oh, also, I've decided I don't like the tumblr thing for writing. I'd prefer to have it on a Blogspot page. I'm going to have it switched over soon, so don't worry. I just feel like tumblr should be used for more of text updates, like this blog. (I'm not going to be moving this one though, I think it's quite happy where it is.)

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Writings of Mine Posted Online

I hope the weekend is going well. My keys are still missing, which isn't turning out to be such a great thing.

However, I do have good news.
I have begun posting my writing to the internet.

This isn't edited like I edit this blog, so don't be surprised to find different subject matter, the possibility of cursing, and other artistic license.

Enjoy! I've been trying to layer different sets of writings, so you'll be getting some recent and some very old. So I'll be playing with the layout and stuff for the foreseeable future.
I don't know very much about Tumblr, so we'll see how this adventure goes.

Have a great day!