Saturday, March 14, 2009


I'm up at 8:40 on a Saturday.
And there may be very little hope of going back to sleep.
Ha, I will sleep.

Midterm grades are back:
Broadcast A
Intro to Film Production: A
Ethics: B
Advertising: B-
Literary Journalism with Connie Fletcher, the most evil woman to ever set foot on the face of the Earth, no worse, the most terrifying soul that has ever entered a life form: Oh, I don't know. No idea. Somewhere between a C and an A. Maybe if I'm lucky a B, but if she's cackling over her grade book as I know she is, probably a C.

I'm not sure if you remember the Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle books? On Thursday morning, Hunter, Kyle, Coupe and I went to see a children's play directed by Hunter's teacher based on Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle.
Surprisingly, we were all more than moderately entertained.

I do love Emily and things are back on track as far as our relationship.
Hunter and I have been together for 5 months tomorrow and even that is going well.
Things may be hectic, but they're looking up.

Spring, please come soon!!!


Thursday, March 12, 2009

Winter End Stretch

Here I am, the first week back from a very uneventful spring break, exhausted. I am tired.
There's nothing to be done about it.
I need winter to end. I need to push through until the end of the semester. And then, who knows?
Ugh. So much uncertainty and so many questions. The future is looming in front of me and I'm terrified.

Emily and I have been watching "Friends" all night and it's been nice.

The short horror film that Hunter acted in during the fall is hitting the festival circuit. It's for sure going to be shown at the British Film Festival in L.A. in early May. Even though it's only a 2o minute film, this is wonderful news.

The romance novel is stagnant. Apparently, you have to be awake to write. Who knew?

I hope that spring is settling in wherever you are.