Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Long awaited update.....

Record setting temperatures. 73 degrees on Tuesday. We spent the day at the beach, walking and sitting on the pier-ish thing that leads to the small lighthouse-esque place. I got my midterms back: 96 in Sociology, 94 in Poetry, 95 in Women in Religion. The only test I may have possibly bombed was Communication Processes, so we'll see. I have a paper due for Communication Practices in a little under two hours, and I'm about two paragraphs in.
We went shopping yesterday. I tried to get a giant pot to cook corned beef and cabbage in, but I was unsuccessful. I bought a pair of pink pumps for $8. They're used and dirty, but they're gorgeous. Emily and I had dinner at Clarke's on Belmont and then took a cab (due to sudden onset of illness) to Ryan's house, where we watched a movie and spent the night. Again. Three in a row, which is fine with me. A little after one, I heard Becky's voice calling down the hall. There was a giant bug in her room, which I proceeded to smash with a Kleenex box while screaming. Since we were both perched on the edge of the bed, it tipped up, sending us sliding down toward the floor (and the bug) and once it was over, we laughed as we found a scratch on the wall from the bed tipping up toward heaven.
This morning, since I am CTA pass-less, I tried to get through the train station with cards that probably have no money on them. The station man heard us talking about Honors Biology, so when I couldn't get through, he held them up and told me we were going to have check them. He peppered his language with made up biology terms, and he absolutely made my day. He found the problem: it was the calcination of the magnetic strip. Ha. And then he let me through.
Settling back into routine. I don't want it to snow, which it will Thursday.

Colorado: Sunday on the way to the Airport

Sunny day in Chicago 3-13-07

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