Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Loyola again.

Summer is here and gone, almost.
We're halfway through June already.
I leave next Tuesday for the drive to Saint Louis. From there, we have no plan except to end up in Chicago for awhile and then back to Saint Louis. Emily was supposed to get her cast of the 17th, which is the day I leave, but instead, she'll have to keep it on. We'll have a wheelchair for her, so that will make things interesting and hopefully easier in Chicago.
I registered for classes. My schedule looks like this:

Fall 2008: 17 Credits
11:30-12:30 MWF
ENGL 362 Studies in Poetry (3 credits)
Dumbach 228

1-2:15 MW
THTR 111 Introduction to Ballet (2)

1-2:15 TuTh #3977
CMUN 227 Social Justice/Communication (3)

2:30-3:45 TuTh #2087
PHIL 174 Logic (3)
Damen 238

4:15-7:45 Tu #5293
CMUN 222 Introduction to Cinema (3)
CS 400

11:30-12:30 MWF
ENGL 362 Studies in Poetry (3)
Dumbach 228

1-2:15 MW
THTR 111 Introduction to Ballet (2)

2:45-5:15 W #4558
ENGL 310 Advanced Writing: Autobiography (3)
Damen 237

1-2:15 TuTh #3977
CMUN 227 Social Justice/Communication (3)

2:30-3:45 TuTh #2087
PHIL 174 Logic (3)
Damen 238

11:30-12:30 MWF
ENGL 362 Studies in Poetry (3)
Dumbach 228

It's not great, but it's not horrible and it's more credits than I need. I'm majoring in Communication (declared), and then minoring in Journalism, English and Women's Studies. The pickings for classes weren't great, especially since it's now June, but I didn't do so bad.
I'll be back sometime before the end of June. The drive is going to be intense, so we'll see how the car does.
I was going to maybe live in the dorms as a backup option, but they've already put someone in the room that I was going to occupy and now they're telling me there's a waiting list or something. Also, apparently, I should have turned in a housing contract. I enjoy this time of the year, really. No one is capable of telling you what you need to know until it's too late.
So, the apartment search, which had died off with the idea of dorm life, is back on, full force.

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