Thursday, May 21, 2009

My birthday was a blast.
I got back to Chicago after braving horrendous traffic and found myself exhausted. Instead of eating dinner, Emily and I lounged around, munching on chocolate (thanks Aunt Sally!) and watching "Friends." At about 8, we started getting ready to go out and our friend Coupe joined us. (He's Hunter's roommate)
We ended up on the Red Line train south to Lawrence, where we got off and entered the Green Mill Lounge. My first legal bar experience was live jazz in a muted room. Whispers were the only conversation allowed, a drink softly ordered, vodka cranberry, and then consumed amid the music. A statue stood in one corner, dimly lit but just as ornate as the rest of the room. We spotted an empty table after the first set, and settled in.
Expensive, however, so we took our leave and went to the next bar we saw, two doors away or possibly across the street, or both.
That is where our night ended.
A bouncer named Bing, a cranky bartender, and someone else's birthday made for an interesting night.
Head in toilet.
Never go out to drink heavily on an empty stomach.
As Mom said the next day, "Novice mistake."
It was indeed.

Drove back to Wauwatosa in the afternoon. Hunter had made me spaghetti and meatballs for dinner. It was sweet, cut up apples, bread, even peas.
Since then we've been enjoying ourselves. Last night we went out to experience the Tosa nightlife. Calm. Taking the dogs to the dogpark. It's wild. Forest-y, huge, trails. Today we filmed something, we're not sure what yet. I ended up dying in it, after being pushed off a HUGE log.
There's a store here that's called Half-Price Books. It's like the used bookstore next to Dairy Queen on Colorado Blvd. Romance novels abound.

Pictures to come, soon, hopefully.
Travel dates set.
June 3rd through the 9/10th?.

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