Monday, August 03, 2009


This is the beginning of a sort-of hellish week for me.
It's finals week for the summer semester, so that means I have two ten-page papers to write by Friday.
The grunt work still hasn't been done for those, so I'll be curious to see how it all works out.
I'm shooting a short film this week too. I was contacted by the director who's seen some of my more interesting internet work and cast as the Girlfriend in this film. Basically, I'm going to be playing the sort of imagined love interest. It's a small role, but I'm still busy shooting on three days.
And then babysitting is going to be mixed in.
I'll survive though.
The Irish boys that we met at the bar where we play trivia are spending their last week in Chicago, and in honor of that, we're going to make them sloppy joes on Tuesday night. They bought a van for $400 and are planning to drive it to San Francisco before they fly back to Ireland in September. Ha, I'll take pictures and post them. It's terrible. It's what Mom used to drive back in the 90s, but it's spray painted with random things. One of the doors says "Single" with an arrow pointing up to the driver. The back says "Go Cubs Go." They're going to get pulled over numerous times on their way cross-country.

Hunter and the boys signed a lease a block away from me! They'll be living in a three bedroom apartment that they somehow managed to get for $1050 a month. Wow. Only one bathroom though, which I'm not necessarily looking forward to.

Class commences!

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