Wednesday, September 09, 2009


I do my best work completely distracted or completely under pressure. At this very moment, I am tending to my crops on my imaginary Facebook farm, updating my status, listening to a new band from Colorado called Pretty Lights, updating my blog, watching a show on the Food Network, emailing Aunt Sally and going between the internet and two different word documents trying to get a script done.
But that was intended to be a real blog.
I went to see about Rome. They aren't accepting applications until the end of October. : (
Rarely do I use the emoticons but this called for one.
Tired. Exhausted really. This semester has been wild already. It's going to be a long haul.
Ugh. More later, I'm guessing.
I wanted to write all about the city tonight, the way it looked and my experience in the American Girl Store (the very first time!)
But that will have to come tomorrow.

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