Monday, September 28, 2009

Strolling down memory lane....

I was underwhelmed by Stonehenge.
Fruit and I in Philadelphia
Martha's Vineyard
Martha's Vineyard.
Cruise. New England.
Me in Bath. The first thing we told our guide was that he looked like Ron Weasley
Follow the crazy chicken!
ha, that.
me as a baby.
Fruit's freshman week!!
My family. Hat park. Junior year.
Rocky Mountain National Park.
Me and fruit.
My short lived career as a Mullen Cheerleader! (ha, for a play)
My eighth grade graduation. I do believe Mom looks proud.
Fruit's 8th grade graduation
The day Maddie broke her car.
Ha, not even sure. In the Green Bean though!
Me and Fruit before my first Sadie's dance. Freshman year of high school. Still have those shoes. Wore them the other night!
Mining somewhere in S. Dakota
Target. Never go to Target. We wore these ridiculous sunglasses all the way to Steamboat
Maddie's car. Lunch break. Senior year. We had a weird thing about hats.
Oh my! Furry boots at Wal-Mart
Fruit and Katie
We realized we'd never been pied. So we got some pie tins and whipped cream and went for it.
Senior prom. Emily, Katie and me
The lawn gnome. The day after senior prom.
Stoplight. Colorado sky
Snowboarding. Before the accident.
Mullen basketball game in Boulder
the DQ LOUNGE!! (melvin in the background)
Me, Fruit, John and Emma
After the time we learned how to snowboard. We ended up in the hospital after Katie's accident.
Steamboat. That time Katie and I learned how to snowboard.
Ice skating. Copper Mountain.
I once let Katie Crayola marker makeup on my face. It was a school night. I had to wash my face about 89 times to get all of the color off.
Homecoming senior year. The dress cost me $30. Loved it.
That time I was a firewoman in that play.
Leaf in rain.
My lawn gnome, Pi! Honors geometry sophomore year. Ended my run of honors math classes and also began my short love affair with a fourteen-dollar gnome.
Fruit and I in D.C. with Mom for spring break one year. (I think I was 16)
I feel like I spent days trying to take pictures through a Jones soda bottle.
The Jesus wig/beard combo.
Mr. Craig's honors English class.
Senior pictures
Senior pictures.

I do believe this was taken at a Mullen pep rally. The quote from that day was, "White isn't a Mullen color." the reply was, "Look around." The racial university (the only word I could come up with to oppose diversity) was made apparent that day.

Fruit took this picture. Katie and I at Walgreens sitting on her car.

This picture was taken on Alameda somewhere with Wade from Colorado Christian University. This is where the term "yakkle hat" was born.
Katie and Maddie at bingo.
Obviously, I'm sitting on a planet.

Emily and I have lived in our apartment for 14 months now. I've been in college for more than three years. I've not been in Denver year round for the same amount of time.
So in honor of nothing really, but in honor of my youth, I'm posting a "Remember This?" blog.

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