Sunday, October 25, 2009

Another explosion of quickly scribbled information

It's like I blink and my weekend is gone.
Friday night, I met Maddie downtown for free happy hour at Embassy Suites. (Here's the secret: Save your Embassy Suites room keys.) Prior to that I had gone shopping for new pants at Forever 21 (I also got a beautiful blue fleece jacket/coat for like $30). I also bought some boots, but am sad to say that they don't fit (way too big) and I'm hoping I'll be able to return them. (Grrr...)
Then we went to Wrigleyville and settled ourselves at a bar to watch the Nuggets game. We were pretending to be each other based on the experience at the Embassy Suites where we pretended (not well, mind you) that we were from Fontier Airlines and were in town for a conference. It didn't go great, but we talked some Irish guy into buying us shots. (ha, don't ask. His green card -read Ireland, but we still didn't believe him, my eyes--they're gorgeous, apparently (ha), and a girl trying to sell us chewing tobacco --ew) We went home to find Hunter waiting for us to play poker. I lost badly due to my somewhat impaired state, but slept soundly.
You might have noticed that dinner didn't figure into my night's plans, and thus Saturday was a hellish day. By last night, I was feeling a bit improved so I went over to Hunter's and played hostess to his party. My book that I'm reading is so amazing, I read until 3 in the morning. (The Angel's Game by Carlos Ruiz Zafon.)
Tonight, trivia.
Today, football and online poker.
Tomorrow, return to the real world: babysitting, Speech class and then homework.
Tuesday: story due. (Haven't started writing it yet, ooops.)
Wednesday: just class thank god. (I ran into my professor at Borders and she told me that my midterm looked good, so that's a plus.)
Thursday: espanol
Friday: screenwriting and I'm on my way to another weekend.
(This week looks much better than last week as far as due dates are concerned)
Also, a netbook is out. I went and looked at them. They're dinky. I want a MacBook Pro (the mid-sized one), so I'm going to wait it out and save up to get one. In the meantime, I'm hoping to get Katie's old comptuer at Thanksgiving.

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