Thursday, October 08, 2009

At least I have an A in Spanish.

More information to come later, but at this moment I am sad to report the theft of my laptop.
I returned home late Tuesday evening to find that Emily had invited people that she did not know over for a party and that sometime during Monday night, my laptop was stolen.
I have filed a police report and am hoping that the thief tries to sell it at a pawn shop, but it's not looking good.
I will be posting a reward and signs all over the neighborhood (none of the people at the party went to Loyola but rather were friends of a friend of Emily's [I called bad vibes on this girl the minute I met her] from work) hoping that maybe they'll come forward.

Four years of school work, as well as pictures and music are gone. I am truly sick over the loss but am trying to look on the bright side. Thus far, I have found none.

Sadness. I am thinking that right now, Rome may not be an option either.

Emily has offered me her laptop in exchange, but I am refusing as it is not equivalent to the value of the computer that was stolen from me. Mine is still under warranty and I believe is therefore worth every penny that I paid for it. We will have to work together to come up with a suitable plan that is fair for both of us.

I feel bad for her, but she made the choice to invite strangers into our home and now will have to face the consequences of that decision. I know that it puts us all in a bad situation and I am relying on Mom for guidance and support in this matter.

1 comment:

longestoffthetee said...

Do you have insurance? It would cover the cost of your computer minus your deductable. Have you talked to your insurance company and filed a claim yet?