Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Boston, Massachusetts. (Or Why Maddie Needs to Move Here)

I knew nothing of Boston before I came here.
That's a lie. I knew a few things: it was the site of the Boston Tea Party, it's home to Harvard and the Celtics and the people here love their baseball and have the most hilarious accents.
We had a bit of trouble befriending the stewardesses on the flight out. Something about the orange bag not fitting in the overhead compartment and then me dropping my glass bead bracelet. Anyway, we were served complimentary cold coffee. I laughed when I took my first sip, which the flight attendant of course overheard. And then after my first use of an airplane bathroom is a few years, I accidentally opened the door on her.
We landed just after midnight. The cab ride to the hotel involved tunnels that looked a lot like the Eisenhower tunnel, just a lot longer. We went to a bar called Whiskeys in the Back Bay area and enjoyed ourselves immensely for the hour that the bars were still open.
A friend of mine told me that the men in Boston would be really sweet, and they were. I was asked out on a date by a guy that I met in line at one of the bars that we went to. And by date, he wanted to do dinner and then a walk through Boston Commons (think giant old park). Adorable.
But alas, my trip was not a dating adventure. It was just a pure adventure.
The rain started yesterday morning. Maddie and I were exhausted after a night of late bowling the night before. I love business people. I know this seems strange, but the idea of entering the business world exhilarates me. Perhaps I shall give it a try after graduation. Something about suits. I love men in suits and I love the way I look in a suit. I feel like everyone I met this weekend was an engineer, which fits into my new life plan which involves no actors/artists/white rappers/philosophers as lovers. (If you've ever seen the tv show "Dharma and Greg," you'll understand that I'm Dharma and I'm trying to find my Greg.)
I got to pretend (for a very quick minute) that I worked for Xcel Energy and talk to random people from other utilities and random clients. I also have a new pair of bowling shoes courtesy of Lucky Strike Boston.
We went to see a movie because we realized there was no way were were going to walk around all day in the rain. We saw "She's Out of My League." Don't see it. It's terrible. And then we snuck into "Alice in Wonderland." Better by far. Much better. Tim Burton's gothic elements really put a nice spin on the classic, and they did it out of the original story. We had to get 3D glasses out of the recycle bin. It was hilarious and the perfect way to spend an afternoon.
Madeline and I tried to find trivia. We finally did that yesterday after sneaking onto the concierge's computer at the hotel (because they were trying to charge $7 for 15 minutes of internet) and printing my boarding passes (3 of them, just in case).
Last night, after exploring Harvard and the Cambridge area, we cabbed it to the south side of Boston (not far from our hotel) to do trivia. Best shepherd's pie I've ever eaten, hands down. It was amazing. We got third in trivia (not bad, but we had help from the bartender) and then proceeded to get absolutely ridiculous. At some point during the evening, we ended up having a row with a man about the Patriots. Lessons learned: don't ever call them cheaters on their own turf and don't insult big Bill B.
Also, don't do shots with strange names like "Duck Farts," which were gifted to us by men at the bar.
Boston is surprisingly chivalrous. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing, either un-progressive or very old fashioned.
There was cab-hailing in the rain.
There was sleep and Lifetime movies.
This morning, we went to a diner and had mimosas and french toast and then I packed.
My flight was two hours delayed.
On the plane (I flew Southwest....we'll blog about them later), I sat in the aisle and was joined by a man. We started talking. He had two drink coupons. We had whiskey. We spent the entire flight talking. Boston, Catholics, schools, Catholic schools, priests, college, English, punctuation, mathematics, Tarot cards, the Enneagram, bondage, rain, umbrellas, his hatred of flying, Dairy Queen, (you can tell that I talk too much based on subject matter alone), Reuters, Frontier, Alaska, reality tv, hoarders, everything.
He shook my hand and made fun of my eighty pound backpack.
The train ride home was slow due to mechanical malfunctions.
I was so happy to see my beautiful cat. He's been renamed Van the Action Cat. I love him dearly.

And thus begins the final chapter of my last official semester of college.
Oh and did I mention I'm legitimately sick? Like the common cold. Stricken.
I'll draw conclusions and analyze tomorrow. Tired.

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