Sunday, May 30, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend: Rest

Oh the beach! What a lovely beautiful expansive stretch of land.
Laying on a towel in the sun, eyes closed, listening to music or the waves or the kids: that is bliss.
Blue sky, blue water, pale beach, my brilliantly white skin glistening (so much sunscreen!), the sounds, the books. I smeared the ink in the textbook with my oily fingers, then proceeded to also smear an article in Esquire, then proceeded to cover myself in sand.
I'm one hundred percent alright with that.
I'm one hundred percent more relaxed. The gorgeous man laying behind us helped a bit.
I'm hoping to get a little bit of color this summer. I'm against tanning, but I'm not against a healthy glow. I love the way freckles dot my nose. I'm using SPF 55 anti-aging sunblock for my face and a little less to my body. (By a little less, I mean a lot...I'm building a base here.)
Happiness. Bliss.
I could spend days near the ocean, near big lakes, near rushing rivers, and be perfectly happy.

Then I came home and made chicken salad.
My god, I think I make pretty good chicken salad considering I sort of just make it up as I go. (I think I pretty much know what goes in it....chicken, celery, grapes, (light) mayo, spices, lemon juice, etc.) But it's chilling in the freezer right now (faster), and then I'm going to eat it. Madeline has never had chicken salad. I'm shocked.

We're going to go out to celebrate the surprise birthday party of one of my friends tonight, so that should be interesting.

I'm against commercials that play on your worst fears, like that On-Star commercial about not being able to call for help. Lame. Fear tactics are a bad way to sell a product. Maybe.
We'll know more as I continue marketing, but that's just a thought.

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