Thursday, July 15, 2010


I've come to the conclusion that I really enjoy traveling.
Maybe it's the constant shuffle between Denver and Chicago, which sadly is drawing to a close at the end of this month, or the amount of places that I've been given the opportunity to visit, but either way, I've been in love with the world.
Luckily, however, I usually have a pretty nice bed to sleep in and this one is no exception. Soft and spacious, it's been hard to get out of. Maddie wasn't here last night, as she left yesterday to return home because Paul McCartney is more important than us, and I slept poorly. Hoping that it doesn't affect my enjoyment of today.
We've run out of steam on tourist things. We're heartbroken that we won't be able to make it to Alcatraz. I'm sick of bus transfers and swaying and holding on up and down hills. It's a much worse system than Chicago and I'm grateful for the CTA more times during the day than I ever thought I would be.

If you're friends with me on Facebook, the pictures of the trip are up. There are some necessary security precautions, so if you're a friend of a friend, you'll not be able to see the album. I'll set some of my favorites aside to post here once I get a bit more time. It's been a lovely journey through a lovely city and the place that we are staying is beyond amazing. I have a thing for any place that has granite countertops and an outdoor patio with a grill. Soft carpet. Walk in closets (not that they've been used at all).

After Cape Town, I wonder what it will be like to come back to Denver and make a life? Honestly, this trip is two parts adventure and two parts delaying adulthood. I'm not sure what it's like to make new friends or to find a new place to live in a city I no longer understand. It will be interesting. I'm going to give it a year and if I find that it's not working out for me, or that I'm unhappy in some monumental way, I'm going to pick a new city (or Chicago) and pick up and move there.
But hopefully Denver will be a suitable spot; I long ago decided I wanted to raise my children there. It's not bad crime-wise and it's just urban enough to be interesting, but also maintains a very laid-back attitude and is usually friendly, welcoming, accepting and progressive. The political culture is present and wildly different than the Chicago scene; good schools - better private ones; good prices; proximity to adventure (but sadly, no lakes/oceans). It's diverse, although I find myself at times wishing it was a more diverse city. We shall see how it changes in the next ten or so years before children are on the scene.
Colorado is the healthiest state, well-educated, apparently good for singles (ugh, dating). Maybe this will end in my  favor?

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