Wednesday, January 19, 2011

New to you, but not really

Oh, my college friends are lovely people, but their blogging platforms are just so inconvenient.

They've all started blogging on Tumblr, and to make things easy, I decided to start using mine again as well. My one loyal Tumblr fan, Grandma Mary, will be excited by this news, as the Tumblr has just been overhauled to include a new layout and some fancy poetry (but I think it's poetry I already posted here a long time ago).

Anyway, since you have a bunch of iPads and some spare time (hubris forced me to make that comment, I swear...I'm not assuming you have spare time at all, really, because no one does), save this address and then go to it periodically.

I'm hoping to integrate a more personal look at my life here and then thoughts, links, my rantings about feminist news there.
Or whatever.

In theory, there will be a link to this post over there so you'll be able to tell when I've been updating.

Blah blah blah, anyway, I'm just super jazzed on the layout. It's not something I'd normally pick.

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