Monday, November 21, 2011

On Monday, quickly

As a rule the purchase of books is mistaken for the appropriation of their contents.
I found this quote after I'd decided that I'm going to buy everyone I know books for Christmas. Okay, back to square one. 

I love that this is a short week! I'm so frazzled right now, trying to get everything done. M is in town tomorrow night with her boyfriend, P, so I'm going to meet up with her and the family for dinner. I am so excited - I didn't think I was going to be able to see them before they headed up to the mountains for Thanksgiving.

Tonight was supposed to be cleaning night, but instead, it's throw everything around in an attempt to make organization piles. Instead of actually dealing with these piles, I think I'll just leave them and get around to them later, as per usual.
I'm also facing the wrath of Carlos at the moment; I got home and he'd gotten into something he shouldn't have, and consequently, he had to have a bath. Great. Now I have damp cat sitting on everything but his blanket. He's furious at me. Instead, I'm practicing excellent escapism and going out to dinner with K. I think I'm making a much better choice. He's more fun than laundry and wet cat any day. 

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