Monday, December 26, 2011

On Christmas

This Christmas business is quite hectic.
All of this running around leaves little room for blogging.

The holiday itself is such a horrid excuse for a day of celebration that I rarely have high hopes for it. However, it passed with great incident - one meltdown on my part that Grandma Mary managed to contain by giving me a prolonged hug.

Alas, Christmas Eve was wonderful. We lingered at the dinner table and listened to stories about the past and the people who inhabit those memories. It was lovely to listen to stories of love and war, loss and hardship, magic and romance. I am reminded, again, how truly lucky I am to be a part of such a wonderful family.

Christmas Day was.

I got to see all of the cousins, which was so wonderful. They wrapped us up in hugs. Two cousins near our ages are in from California, and it was so nice to sit and talk and catch up with them.

Hectic day.

I was glad to get home and find the cat and fall asleep.

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