Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Election Night.

I slipped out of class early and hopped a train headed south. Two stops later, I met up with Ian and Kyle and we proceeded to head all the way into the heart of the city. We got off the train and were immediately met by mass confusion and excitement. Police officers at every corner, people selling souvenirs and buttons on the street, massive groups of people heading toward the park.
We headed there as well, scoping out the situation. There was no way to get across the bridges as they were all blocked off by the police. We wandered through the park, and then realized that the only way to get in was going to be by standing in a line several blocks long and quickly growing. Hunter was across the street at our friend's apartment, so we went there and then realized that the line had nearly doubled.
There was no way we were going to get in. Maddie, Jeremy, Becky and Coupe were all in the middle of the line, blessed with tickets for the rally. We ended up walking through the crowd, mingling with the excited people and then we decided to hop a train headed north and go to my apartment to watch the election returns on tv.
And so we did.
When they announced that Obama had taken the election, we cheered. I was smiling so hard I thought my face was going to freeze. I felt a few tears drip down my cheeks and I realized that everything had worked out.
I won the very first election that I voted in!
I hope you are all satisfied with the results. I am, absolutely.
McCain's concession speech was well done and respectful and Obama's speech was absolutely lovely.
We all fell asleep exhausted from the celebration and slept well knowing that our country has been handed into better care.

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