Saturday, November 08, 2008


from left: Ian, Emily, Katie, Hunter

Alright, I'm in the mood for some pictures. These were all taken at some point between April and September of this year. I love these people. We've become the Crew, tight friends who don't quite match, but love each other anyway. Me, Emily, Hunter, Ian, Coupe and Kyle.
I love my roommate. Her opening night of her play, "The Good Woman of Sezchuan" was last night, so me, Hunter, her dad and a couple of other friends went to see it. I liked it; it was the best play that Loyola has done in awhile.
Two of my friends from Dairy Queen called me Thursday and asked to spend a couple of nights with me. They had decided to bring their girlfriends with them to spend the weekend in Chicago on a whim. It was lovely to see them. They met Ian and Hunter and Mr. Bates and did some sightseeing before leaving this morning to head back to Denver.
Today was a very lazy day. I fell asleep early last night and slept in today. Me and the boys made coffee, orange juice and cereal before going to wake up Kyle by throwing beef sticks at him. (Don't even ask, but since you're curious, I'll tell you: Hunter's grandparents bought him a huge box of food and it had this bag of terrible, dreadful, disgusting beef sticks in it. Coupe and I decided to hide them in Hunter's backpack, shoes, hat, jar of peanut butter, etc. and since then, it's been amusing to "beef stick" someone by throwing beef sticks at them.)
And then we all curled up and watched movies, went to the store, and then watched more movies. Good day.
I babysat for 9 hours yesterday. The little boys are adorable. They are so ornery though, but we still have fun. I made them macaroni and we played that we owned an ice cream store. They are fascinated by the thought of my car, so we had to go down and check on it to make sure it was still there. The baby is sweet. He has this little baby grin that he'll shoot you right before he throws up on you, so that at least mitigates the fact that you've been thrown up on. We went for a walk to try and find geese (we didn't) and to run through leaves (we did) which was nice, but a little chilly for my liking.

Enjoy these pictures as much as I do.

Trif, Ian and Emily the day the boys moved in.

me and Kyle

Hunter and I

Ian and I

me and Emily

Coupe at the bean

Coupe's birthday

Emily and I

Me, Ian, Emily and Coupe

Me, Emily, Ian and Coupe at the bean

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