Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Leather! Bondage! Fetish! Oh My!

It's been decided. Well, I've decided. I can't live without a camera. I really don't think of myself as a photographer, but the lack of access is driving me nuts. And yes, there have been moments that I would love to capture but haven't been able to.
So I'm going to shell out the $160 for the 12 megapixel Exilim, the newer version of the same camera that I've been in love with for the last four years. It's only about two weeks of babysitting money, and who really needs that, right? (That was a lame attempt at a joke.)

I've been exhausted. Hunter's wisdom teeth came out Friday. He moved all of his stuff into my apartment and then lived here for a few days while everything was being sorted out. He couldn't sleep and was generally miserable, which of course affected me quite a bit as well. And then there was the moving. And now there's the settling and the Starbucks at 6:30 every morning. I'm talking shift beginning at 6:30. This has been quite the adjustment for both of us.

School this semester is really what I thought college would be like. We're talking legitimate homework, reading I can't skimp on, etc. I'm exhausted from trying to keep up and it's week 2.
However, this is all stuff that I'm excited about. Even Spanish.

Today, I proposed my semester-long project for Critical Ethnography, a class which I will explain in greater detail later. However, my project, a 20 page paper culminating 3 hours per week of work for the duration of 15 weeks, is this: (brace yourself, Grandma)

A feminist look at the bondage/fetish scene in Chicago, starting with the Leather Archives & Museum three blocks from my house.

This is going to be a thrilling sociology look at the subculture. I'm thinking about starting a blog to blog specifically about this project.

Anyway, tonight is $6 electric lemonade pitchers at our campus bar. I'm also not going to let too many classes ruin my fun!

Love to all.

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