Friday, September 04, 2009


I'm going to Rome. I've decided it. I will not let the Denver semester ruin any study abroad chances for, so, here is the plan:

This semester: 18 hours.
Next semester: 15 - 18 hours.
May 13-15 (not scheduled yet, but definitely that weekend): Graduation (I will walk and we will all celebrate)
Then I will fly to Rome.
May 22-June 25: Finish my college experience in Rome.
June 25-??? I play in Europe.
??? - August 2009? I begin graduate school. In theory. If not, I'll get a job or something like that. But I think grad school is going to be the way to go. I'm going to stay in Chicago though.
My options at the moment are:
Masters in Fiction Writing (Columbia College Chicago)
Masters in Social Work (Loyola) --obviously the better choice.

Anyway, just wanted to let you all know that you're welcome to come and visit me in Rome or wherever else I go.
Word is the Irish might be coming back to the US or Mexico for spring break. I'm hoping that we may continue corresponding enough that we can go and stay with them when we're all in Europe next summer. Imagine the partying that we could accomplish. New levels, I'm sure.

It's been a fairly long week and this morning I had to pitch a music video treatment to a local singer/songwriter. It was terrifying although he told me that my idea completely embodied the experience that he had gone through during the break up that the song described. That was pleasant.

Driving downtown this morning was a purely sublime experience. The fog was rolling in off the lake as I sped down Lake Shore Drive, and it was partially obscuring the downtown skyline. You could see the tops of the buildings peaking up but the middle was completely covered, surrounded, blanketed in this fog.

Our mediocre weather remains. Long sleeves for all.
Madeline's family is in town this weekend, so I'm looking forward to going out with them again. We went out to dinner last night and then hit some bars. More like one. It was interesting because the bar looked familiar and it turns out that we had visited there when we came to Chicago my senior year of high school.

to the weekend ahead: relaxation and rest. hopefully some fun and peace too.

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