Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Workout Rundown/Trivia Trials

Be so proud of me, people of the world:
I worked out today.
Not only that, but I was on the elliptical for a full 54:39. (That's nearly an hour, folks.)  I quit once I hit 4 miles.
It's something that I rarely do. I prefer to swim. I'm good at it, it's relaxing, it doesn't hurt my knees. I have horrible knees....I'll blame track but I think they've always been bad. Today it's snowing and the high is 20 degrees, so going swimming isn't really an option. There's nothing worse than walking home with frozen hair or a cold body.
I got into a nice mental rhythm with a nice playlist to back it all up and I just let go. I had originally told myself that I only had to do fifteen minutes (the cold has sort of messed up my lungs, they're still a little wheezy), but after fifteen I was feeling good. After thirty I wasn't done. After 45 I was like, well, why not make it an hour. But then I realized I hadn't eaten, so 4 miles became the goal.
And, to my surprise, I liked it.
I'm going back tomorrow.
Getting toned is something easily within my grasp.

Last night we went to Hamburger Mary's to do trivia. Ever since the homophobic incident at Hamilton's, we've been looking for another place to do trivia. The upside of Hamburger Mary's: I love the place. It's free to play trivia. It's in one of my favorite neighborhoods in Chicago (Andersonville) and it's easy to get to. It's like a ten minute drive and once the weather warms up, it'd be a nice long walk or a short bus trip. Anyway, the trivia was nice. It could have been harder, but we lost by three points, so I guess maybe we should have done better.
But hopefully we've found our new trivia hangout.

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