Monday, August 16, 2010

For tonight, there is only emotional exhaustion to blame for my lack of blogging ability. (It's got a sort of actual post about things relevant to my life currently.)

I've been on the go since I got back to Denver. I've done wonderful things with wonderful people and I've had a great time.
I miss Chicago. It tears at me sometimes, but then I think of how nice it is to be here and I'm just grateful that I got the chance to experience such a beautiful and dramatic place.
I hope to not fall in love with too much of the world; I already find it hard to think of the places that I'd like to live someday.
I hope to stay in love in the way that I am now. It's tender and new but it's also fulfilling and correct.  (Correct is phonetically sharp word but I love the way it fits there. This is nothing if not correct.) There's no inequality or untruth; it simply is a connection that is quickly building on experiences and shared thoughts. It's comfortable and exciting and new and so very old. It's my first kiss and my last, and it's nothing I can quite wrap my head around.
I hope to find the things I'm looking for when I'm in Cape Town. I want to find myself and my ability; I want to find confidence for employment and skill sets.
I want to read and write and fall in love with another city so that someday I won't know where I want to live.
I want to be safe and happy.

Tomorrow I'll write about the slight emotional block that has prevented me from thinking clearly tonight, but it should be insightful and promising, I hope. Revealing, perhaps.

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