Saturday, February 03, 2007

Science of Sleep

With the Super Bowl rapidly approaching, the excitement around Chicago is climbing. That is not true of the temperature, which keeps falling. The high tomorrow is supposed to be 2 degrees, which does not bode well for my walk home. I am currently situated somewhere north of downtown and south of school, off the Argyle stop on the train. After that, it is a ten minute walk to the house that houses the couch I have been calling home for the past couple of nights. I have slept on it no less than three times since meeting its owners a few weeks ago. Emily spends a lot of time here, since two of the three inhabitants are from St. Louis.
I am cold. Today, adventure by car to Chinatown, further south than I had been previously. And then to another apartment, in an unfriendly neighborhood, although it was filled with welcoming individuals.
I am also tired and unsure as to the sudden onset of exhaustion.
Perhaps sleep will come tonight, perhaps I shall have to wait until tomorrow. Ha, no, the big game. Go Bears!

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